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Lumbering Techniques
Timber Mill
Demo Forest
Pulp & Paper Mill

Saskatchewan Timberlands

Here's a great example of a Forest Management Licensing Agreement in our province.


Grab a blender, some water and bits of paper...and make recycled paper! See how creative you can be.

19th Century Lumbering Techniques

Two techniques requiring great skill were squaring and shipbuilding. Find out more about these 19th century forestry 'arts'.


What is silviculture and what is the effect of this on our forests?

Big River Lumber

Discover how Big River Lumber operates to convert logs to lumber. Also, what are the steps involved in making lumber? Find out here.

Clarine Lake Demonstration Forest

Visit the demon forest and see how our demand for forest products is balanced with the needs of the forest and its inhabitants.

Prince Albert Pulp & Paper

Go here to find out the process of making pulp and turning it into paper. Then read the papermaking section to try it yourself! Discover how fast paper can be produced and the types of paper that are made at the Prince Albert Mill.

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