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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Cochin - Green Lake Trail
GPS: 53d 02.46m N 108d 20.06m W 1808 feet
Location: 30 kms north of Battleford on #4.

The village of Cochin is named after Father Louis Cochin, a pioneer missionary among the Cree Indians. For many years, he resided among the Indians who wintered on the shores of Jackfish Lake. Father Cochin is best remembered as the priest who ministered to Poundmaker's Band during the Rebellion of 1885. He is credited with exerting a moderating influence.

This trail connected the Cochin Mission here with other indian settlements on Birch Lake and Chitek Lake. Part of the trail was traversed in 1885 by troops engaged in the pursuit of rebellious Indian bands under Big Bear.

Jackfish Lake was the crossroads of many trails including the old Carlton Trail and a trail north to Loon Lake and the Beaver River.

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