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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Fort A La Corne - Cumberland House Trail
GPS: 53d 18.21m N 104d 01.61m W 1461 feet
Location: 4 kms south of Nipawin on #35.

The use of boats had been found to be the most efficient means of transportation in the fur trade, but for winter transport and for handling small amounts of goods, overland trails were important as well. After Samuel Hearne had established the Hudson's Bay post of Cumberland House in 1774, this trail developed as an alternate route to river traffic between Cumberland House and Fort A La Corne, a post first established in 1753.

In its early years, the trail was travelled almost solely by traders and native people of the north-west. With the coming of settlement, the trail began to be frequented by North West Mounted Police patrols, loggers and pioneers, while continuing to serve trappers and the native people at Red Earth Lake.

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