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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Fort Ellice - Elbow Trail
GPS: 50d 44.31m N 105d 16.30m W 1645 feet
Location: 35 kms. west of Regina on highway No. 1.

Western bound travellers traversing the plains via old Fort Ellice - Elbow Trail became increasingly wary as they neared the great buffalo pastures along the South Saskatchewan river, for the area was jealously sought and fiercely guarded by Blackfoot, Cree and Assiniboine alike.

Near the elbow the trail connected with others leading north to the main forks of the Saskatchewan, south to the Cypress Hills, and west to the Red Deer forks. Hudson's Bay Company men from the Qu'Appelle River, Touchwood Hills and Last Mountain Lake posts made extensive use of the trail.

Captain John Palliser and Professor Henry Youle Hind travelled part of it in 1857 and 1858, and the Earle of Southese used it in 1859. A segment is still visible in the Arm River Valley east of the historic marker sign.

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