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Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Fort Ellice - Fort Carlton Trail
GPS: 50d 38.40m N 101d 41.71m W 1330 feet
Location: 2 kms north of Spyhill.

The old cart-trail which pioneers called the Battleford Trail, once passed this spot. It was part of the great overland route linking Fort Garry with Edmonton House during the fur trade era. A fast cart-train would make the 900 mile trip in six weeks. Fort Ellice stood 25 miles south-east along the trail, and Fort Carlton 250 miles to the north-west. Between these great central depots of the fur trade would ply the brigades of Red River carts, laden with furs, trade-goods and provisions. Metis hunters from the Red River often followed the trail westward seeking the buffalo herds. When the N.W.M.P. entered the west in 1874, one column took this route from Fort Ellice to Edmonton. Later it served the first freighters and settlers of this part of Saskatchewan.

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