Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Greenwater Lake Provincial Park

GPS: 52d 29.66m N 103d 30.78m W 1747 feet
Location: 40 kms north of Kelvington on highway #38

Greenwater Lake Provincial Park is a great year-round resort, set in the scenic Porcupine Forest with a spruce and silver aspen environment. Greenwater Lake is a beautiful holiday resort with a marina surrounded by natural Saskatchewan terrain. The park covers over 20,720 hectares and is a natural environment park. The marina and Greenwater Lake itself are a wonderful contrast to the surroundings.

Many types of wildlife that inhabit the rolling forested environment include elk, moose, deer, beaver, black bear and over 200 species of birds.

During the winter, there are 32 kilometres of cross-country trails and 108 kilometres of groomed snowmobile trails. The fish bite year round, so try your luck at a hole in the frozen lake.

This is the site of the original Greenwater ranger station established in 1914 under the federal Forestry Branch, Department of the Interior, Canada. The station was operated until 1946 and then moved to the beach area. Portions of the original foundation from the house and barn remain on this site. Staff were called rangers under the Dominion, and field officers under the Province after transfer of lands in 1930. Some of the rangers that worked here from 1914 to 1930 included Seymour Abbatte, Phillip Reid, and W.R. Murray. Field officers working here during the period 1930 to 1948 included Ernest Sherman, Charles Abra, Cliff Schier and K. Abra. This township was originated at Greenwater Provincial Park in February, 1932 and has been part of the park since that date.

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