Tourism Saskatchewan "Environmentally Sensitive Area".

Please be careful where you walk and try not to disturb the natural environment. For additional information please contact Tourism Saskatchewan.

Lac La Ronge Provincial Park

GPS: 55d 06.00m N 105d 17.60m W 1145 feet
Location: 240 kms north of Prince Albert

Lac La Ronge Provincial Park is a natural environment park that covers 344,470 hectares of the province. It is open year-round with full services during the summer months. This is the province's largest provincial park and 100 other lakes, in addition to Lac La Ronge, are within the park boundary.

Lac La Ronge has a spectacular array of scenery, everything from boulders and more than a thousand tree-covered islands, to rushing rapids and wild waterfalls on the mighty Churchill River, all typical of the Canadian Shield.

Lac La Ronge is set in a rugged, rocky, forested wilderness. It is part of the Northern Shores tourism region.

The area is famous for its whitewater rapids, and excellent canoeing, fishing and cross country skiing. Otter Rapids, a popular canoeing area is located within this park.

There are five kilometres of lighted trails for night skiing, and the snowmobiling is fantastic!

GPS: 55d 06.00m N, 105d 17.60m W, 1145 feet
13 Aug 96, 3:50 pm, Fuji Velvia 50, F11 1/60s

69k QTVR preview 300x192

GPS: 55d 25.06m N, 104d 33.59m W, 1233 feet
13 Aug 96, 6:30 pm, Fuji Velvia 50, F11 1/60s

69k QTVR preview 300x192

Holy Trinity Anglican Church at Stanley Mission
is Saskatchewan's oldest building. It was constructed
between 1854 and 1860, dwarfing all surrounding
structures. Stanley Mission served as a bustling
community, providing permanent homes for Indian
families and a camp for many others.

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