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Livestock Directions: Read the statement and choose the most appropriate response. You may click the helpful hints button at any time. Good luck!

1. Currently, Saskatchewan produces ***.

a. only enough livestock products for the province's needs
b. more livestock products than it consumes
c. an equivalent amount to Alberta
d. none of the above

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2. Purebred animals are mainly used *** .

a. as animals for the final sale of a product to the consumer
b. only when certain non-desirable traits are to be masked in the offspring
c. as stock to produce the product
d. as the source of breeding in most livestock programs

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3. A Bos taurus would be a type of ***breed.

a. turkey
b. hog
c. cattle
d. sheep

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4. A backgrounding operator would most likely sell his product to a ***.

a. feedlot producer
b. purebred breeder
c. cow calf producer
d. stocker producer

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5. A substance that contains antibodies which can be absorbed by a newborn mammal and will provide the baby with some immunity to infection and disease for the first few weeks of life is called ***.

a. erucic acid
b. lactose
c. glycosterum
d. colostrum

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6. An example of a purebreed of cattle is ***.

a. Ayrshire
b. Holstein
c. Guernsey
d. all of the above

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7. The horse is an example of ***,meaning an animal which has only one stomach.

a. a non-ruminant herbivore
b. a ruminant herbivore
c. a cecum ruminant
d. an omnivore

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8. If a person mentions that they have seen suffolk in Saskatchewan, they mean they have visited a ***.

a. hog operation
b. sheep farm
c. poultry operation
d. dairy farm

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9. A farmer feeds his livestock a diet rich in oilseeds and grains along with supplements of meat and blood meal, fish meal and whey. The livestock in question is most likely ***.

a. swine
b. horse
c. sheep
d. poultry

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10. When you buy a broiler in the grocery store, you are buying an animal of the ***breed.

a. leghorn
b. Pekin
c. Cornish
d. Anasizi

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