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Quiz Format
History of
Agriculture Quiz

Livestock Quiz
Crop Quiz
Soil Quiz

Quiz Format
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Format The quizzes in this section follow a similar format. Multiple choice questions were designed for ease of answering by the user. The questions relate to a main unit within a module of Saskatchewan Interactive. If you choose the correct response, a page will appear that indicates this. Likewise, an incorrect response will be indicated on the screen.

A helpful hints button is exists for each question. By clicking this, you will be taken to the page where the answer is most likely to exist, or where "hints" may be located. Simply clicking the helpful hints window closed when you are done will take you back to the quiz.

An example of the instructions that appear on the top section of each quiz and a sample question is provided for you.

Directions: Read the statement and choose the most appropriate response. You may click the helpful hints button at any time. Good luck!

1. The Great Drought on the prairies took place in the 1930's. Due to the adverse weather conditions, the depression is said to have lasted for ***years and during this time, many farmers abandoned their homesteads.

a. nine
b. seven
c. five
d. three

helpful hint

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