Directions: Read the statement and choose the most appropriate response. You may click the helpful hints button at any time. Good luck!
1. Canola, wheat, mustard and potatoes are ***. a. angiosperms
b. monocotyledons
c. gymnosperms
d. xerophytes
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2. Potatoes are grown primarily for the consumption of the ***.
a. flowers
b. seeds
c. leaves
d. stem tubers
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In the canola plant, the fertilized ovule ***.
a. develops into the seed
b. develops into the fruit
c. is part of the pistil and is the surface on which the pollen grains fall
d. is part of the pistil and supports the stigma
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Seed percentage viability indicates ***.
a. the temperature required to break dormancy
b. the percentage of dormancy the seed requires before germination will occur
c. the percentage of the seed the farmer can expect to germinate
d. the percentage of seed that is disease-free
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Alsike clover, alfalfa, winter wheat and fall rye are examples of ***.
a. forages
b. legumes
c. perennials
d. all of the above
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6. One of the most important macroelement that usually must be added in large quantities to fields in order to maximize crop yields is ***.
a. iron
b. nitrogen
c. sulfer
d. phosphorus
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7. Time to harvest cereals is indicated by ***.
a. the color of the seed
b. moisture content of the seed
c. air temperature
d. all of the above
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The Canadian Wheat Board markets the export of grain, primarily wheat and barley. Farmers who sell their crops through the Board ***.
a. receive two payments for their grain from the Wheat Board
b. receive one payment for the entire crop when delivered to inland grain terminals
c. are entitled to large delviery quotas
d. must provide rail transportation to coastal areas for their grain
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Lignans have anti-viral, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and anticancer properties. A plant high in lignan content is ***.
a. mustard
b. flax
c. sunflower
d. canola
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The cropland of Saskatchewan has been divided into four areas based on ***.
a. the number of frost-free days and soil conditions
b. relative yields of crop varieties
c. climate, vegetation and soil type
d. the number of growing degree days
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