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History of Agriculture Quiz
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Ag History

Directions: Read the statement and choose the most appropriate response. You may click the helpful hints button at any time. Good luck!

1. Important dates in the history of agriculture can be found in the Saskatchewan Interactive reference entitled ***.

a. Agriculture Advancements
b. Agriculture Index
c. History of Saskatchewan
d. Chronology

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2. Monoculture is the *** .

a. growing of small numbers of crops that are similar in type (like cereals)
b. growing trend of agricultural diversification
c. production of the same crop year after year
d. none of the above

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3. The Industrial Revolution had profound effects on agriculture which included ***.

a. the improvement farm machinery
b. changes in agricultural techniques involved in food production
c. movement of people off the land to the "cities"
d. all of the above

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4. Good crops and high prices during the ***encouraged farmers to reduce the number of acres of summerfallow and cultivate and crop marginal land, much of it native grassland. This meant that the amount of land cropped increased by more than 10,000,000 acres.

a. mid 50's
b. late 60's
c. late 70's
d. mid 80's

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5. The Great Drought on the prairies took place in the 1930's. Due to the adverse weather conditions, the depression is said to have lasted for ***years and during this time, many farmers abandoned their homesteads.

a. nine
b. seven
c. five
d. three

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6. Gasoline tractors, manufactured to take the place of horses in the field. first made their appearance in Saskatchewan during the ***.

a. 1910's
b. 1920's
c. 1930's
d. 1940's

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7. The trend toward larger farm units almost 70 years ago was influenced mainly by the  ***.

a. introduction of mixed farming
b. increase in average family size
c. increase in the amount of available land previously owned by the government
d. introduction of one-way seeders and combines

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8. Many of the first settlements began near trading posts because ***.

a. doctors were located at the posts
b. trading posts were situated on rich farmland
c. trading post were near sources of good drinking water
d. aboriginals and settlers alike came to depend on trade goods

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9. Many early settlers chose to settle in Saskatchewan as opposed to eastern Canada because ***.

a. serious world depression had just ended
b. there was a strong immigration campaign by Canada
c. agricultural developments made the province look attractive
d. all of the above

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10. Newer farming practices help conserve soil. All of the following except *** are examples of these.

a. minimum tillage
b. continuous summerfallow
c. continuous tillage
d. zero tillage

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