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Cereal Quiz
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Cereals-rye Test your knowledge of cereal crops. Read the description and take your pick-of-the-crop!

  1. This cereal grows in stands in the shallows of lakes and rivers of central and northern areas of Saskatchewan and is known for its "nutty" flavor.
    [barley] [corn] [oats] [rice] [rye] [triticale] [wheat] [wild rice]

  2. The production of malt from this grass is important in the brewing industry.
    [barley] [corn] [oats] [rice] [rye] [triticale] [wheat] [wild rice]

  3. This grain is difficult to grow in Saskatchewan, because it requires so many frost free days.
    [barley] [corn] [oats] [rice] [rye] [triticale] [wheat] [wild rice]

  4. This cereal is a great livestock staple, very high in protein and is promoted as a healthy food choice for reducing cholesterol in humans.
    [barley] [corn] [oats] [rice] [rye] [triticale] [wheat] [wild rice]

  5. This unique cereal was made by humans, and is a fairly recent crop to be introduced into the agricultural sector.
    [barley] [corn] [oats] [rice] [rye] [triticale] [wheat] [wild rice]

  6. This is the number one crop, from the earliest days to today, in Saskatchewan. Products such as bread, crackers, pasta, and beer can be made from the grain.
    [barley] [corn] [oats] [rice] [rye] [triticale] [wheat] [wild rice]

  7. The grain that is a staple food for over half of the world's population is not even grown in Saskatchewan.
    [barley] [corn] [oats] [rice] [rye] [triticale] [wheat] [wild rice]

  8. This crop is the only other major cereal (besides wheat) capable of producing a leavened flour product.
    [barley] [corn] [oats] [rice] [rye] [triticale] [wheat] [wild rice]
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