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History of
Agriculture Quiz

Livestock Quiz
Food Quiz
Soil Quiz

Major Crops Quiz
Cereal Crops Quiz

Alternative Crops Quiz
Alternatives-lentils See if you can identify these specialty crops from the given descriptions. Good luck!

  1. I am grown as an ingredient for commercial birdseed.
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

  2. I am a rather short plant that flowers all summer. You may have eaten my seed; it is rather flat and looks like a lens.
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

  3. I can be found in rye bread as an added flavor booster. You either love me or you don't...
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

  4. I am in no less than a thousand food recipes (really). They even named a horse after me!
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

  5. I am one of the largest seeds around and I can fix nitrogen in the soil. I am fabulous!
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

  6. I have eyes but I can't see. A staple in many a pantry, I grow IN the dirt.
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

  7. I am a pretty tasty seed, and am usually added to sauces in addition to curry.
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

  8. I am a large seed, used in many dishes that require garbanzos (that is my other name).
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

  9. I am eaten a lot in almost every household around here. I fix nitrogen and instead of the standard leaves, I produced tendrils.
    [canary seed] [caraway] [chickpea] [coriander] [faba bean] [lentil] [pea] [pinto bean] [seed potato]

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