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Mining Economy Quiz
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Mining Economy Quiz


Directions: Read the statement and choose the most appropriate response. You may click the helpful hints button at any time. Good luck!

1. Employment opportunities that are directly related to the mining industry include ***.

a. electricians
b. borer operators
c. cooks
d. all of the above

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2. Of the following mining occupations, only the  *** requires a university degree.

a. environmental sampler
b. radiation protection technician
c. heavy duty repair mechanic
d. electrician

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3. Geologists concentrate on ***.

a. the study of Earth's history
b. analyzing the chemical composition of potential ore bodies
c. obtaining environmental samples (such as air, water and soil)
d. all of the above

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4. If you were employed at a uranium mine to take samples in the mill during various stages of ore processing, you would be known as a *** sampler.

a. geological
b. yellowcake
c. environmental
d. metallurgical

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5. The development of a uranium mine in northern Saskatchewan results in the creation of jobs, both directly involved with the mine and indirectly as a result of families moving to the mine area. All of the following jobs except *** are examples of the indirect creation of jobs.

a. mine manager
b. new home construction
c. golf course designer
d. airport construction

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6. The person who is responsible for coordination of training programs, public relations, security, and safety is referred to as ***.

a. employee relations personnel
b. safety inspector
c. radiation protection personnel
d. security officer

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7. Economic benefits of mining in Saskatchewan include ***.

a. greater funds made available for health care in the rural communities
b. lower taxes on oil, gas and coal
c. the employment of almost one quarter of the province's population
d. all of the above

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8. A computer programmer in the mining industry would be classified as a/an *** job.

a. administrative
b. scientific
c. mill site
d. personnel

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9. A borer operator would most likely work at a/an *** mine operation.

a. uranium
b. sodium sulphate
c. potassium chloride
d. none of the above

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10. The main difference in the job of a geologist compared to that of a mine engineer is that the mine engineer ***.

a. must analyse ore samples in order to determine the potentiality of mine development
b. is not required to work on site
c. is responsible for surveying, drawing maps and keeping records of the mine site
d. requires a degree from a university

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