HOMEPAGE Forestry... Quicklinks...

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Glossary Title
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Bacillus Thuringiensis
A non-chemical, biological insecticide that kills spruce budworm, gypsy moths, forest tent caterpillars, and other insects.

An administrative term used to classify inadequately stocked forest land that has been denuded (cut over, burned, etc.).

Bare-Root Seedling
see Seedling

Basal Area
a) Of a tree: the cross-sectional area (in m2) of a trunk at breast height (1.4 m above the ground). For example, the basal area of a tree 40 cm dbh is approximately 0.5 m2.
b) Of a hectare of forest: the sum of basal areas of individual trees on the hectare. For example, a well stocked hardwood stand might contain 18 to 23 m2 Of basal area.

Basal Bark Treatment
A treatment for killing trees and brush in which a herbicide is applied, by sprayer or brush, to a band of bark encircling the basal portion of the stem.

Basic Forest
Extensive forest management plus artificial regeneration where necessary. cf. extensive forest management

Basic Silviculture
All the silvicultural practices required to achieve a free-growing (or established) regeneration of desired species at specified densities and stocking.

A procedure associated with site preparation in which the soil is mounded mechanically to provide a well-drained ridge on which seedlings are planted.

A test of a particular unknown variable, using the performance of a living organism as an indicator.

An ecological community of plants and animals extending over a large natural area.

The life zone of the earth, including the lower part of the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, soil, and the lithosphere to a depth of about 2 km.

Of or pertaining to life and living organisms.

Block Cutting
Removal of the crop in blocks in one or more operations, generally for wildlife management purposes, encouraging regeneration, or protecting fragile sites. Considered in Ontario to be a variation of clearcutting.

The main trunk of a tree.

A short log or a squared timber cut from a log.

Boreal Forest Region
The largest forested area in Saskatchewan, dominated by conifer species including spruce, fir, pine and tamarack. The southern edge of this region contains a mixture of deciduous trees such as birch and poplar. This region forms a band extending diagonally across the northern half of the province.

Breast Height
The standard height, 1.3 m above ground level, at which the diameter of a standing tree is measured. On sloping ground, breast height is usually measured on the uphill side of the tree.

A tree with flat leaves and flowers that produce fruit when developed and fertilized. The group includes all deciduous trees and a very few ever greens, such as holly.

Shrubs and stands of short, scrubby tree species that do not reach merchantable size.

The removal of undesirable herbaceous and woody vegetation by mechanical means.

Bud Pruning
Removal of lateral buds from a stem to prevent them from developing into branches.

see Galls.