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Glossary Title
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Abnormally large branches that project at sharp acute angles from the bole and are persistent (often associated with previous weevil attack).

Refill Planting
see Fill Planting

Re-establishing a forest on an area where trees have been removed.

The process by which the forest is replaced or renewed. This may be:
a) Artificial Regeneration Ñ by means of seeding or planting.
b) Natural Regeneration Ñ from natural seeing or sprouting. This term may also be used to describe the young crop itself.

Regeneration Class
The area, and the young trees in the area, being managed during the regeneration interval in the shelterwood silvicultural system. In this interval old and young trees occupy the same area, young being protected by the old.

Regeneration Cut
Any removal of trees intended to assist regeneration already present or to make regeneration possible.

Regeneration Initiation
The year in which the new crop is deemed to be started at an acceptable stocking level, whether by planting, natural or artificial seeding, or by vegetative means.

Regeneration Interval
The period between the seed cutting and the final cutting on a particular area under one of the shelterwood systems.

Regeneration Period
The time between the initial regeneration cutting and the successful re-establishment of a stand by natural or artificial means.

Regular Uneven-Aged Structure (balanced)
A stand in which three or more distinct age classes occupy approximately equal areas and provide a balanced distribution of diameter classes.

Relative Humidity
The amount of moisture in the air as compared with the maximum amount that the air could contain at the same temperature, expressed as a percentage.

Relative Thinning Intensity
The periodic (annual) yield of a stand from thinnings, expressed as a percentage of its periodic annual increment.

Freeing a tree or group of trees from more immediate competition by cutting or otherwise eliminating growth that is overtopping or closely surrounding them.

Release Cutting
A cutting operation carried out to release the forest crop (seedlings or saplings) from competition with undesirable tree species of similar size (termed a cleaning) or larger and overtopping tree species (termed a liberation cut).

see Regeneration

Reproduction Period
see Regeneration Period

The processes by which tissues and organisms exchange gases with their environment.

Systematic removal of individuals not desired for the perpetuation of a population, e.g., from a seed orchard or a nursery.

Root To Shoot Ratio
The ratio of ovendry root weight to ovendry shoot weight in seedlings.

The planned number of years between the year of the harvest of one crop of trees and the harvest of the next regenerated crop.

Row Thinning
see Thinning: row