HOMEPAGE Forestry... Quicklinks...

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Glossary Title
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Referring to the absence of living organisms.

The occurrence of genetic changes in a population or species as the result of natural selection so that it adjusts to new or altered environmental conditions.

Advance Growth
see Advance Regeneration

Advance Regeneration
Young trees under existing stands. Regeneration established before logging that has survived the logging operation.

Of a plant part that develops outside the usual order of time and/or position, e.g., an adventitious bud arises from any part of a stem, leaf, or root but lacks vascular connection with the pith; an adventitious root arises from parts of the plant other than a pre-existing root, e.g., from a stem or leaf.

Aerial Seeding
see Seeding

Establishing a forest on an area which has not previously had trees growing on it (see also reforestation).

Breast Height Age: The number of annual growth rings between the bark and the pith, as counted at breast height.
Harvest Age: The number of years required to grow from establishment to maturity.
Stump Age: The number of annual growth rings between the bark and the pith, as counted at stump height.
Total Age: The number of years elapsed since the germination of the seed or the budding of the sprout or root sucker.
Total Forest Age: The average total age of the trees comprising it.

Age Class
One of the intervals into which the age range of forest stands is divided for classification and use.

All-Aged Structure
A stand in which trees of most or all age classes, from seedlings to mature trees, are represented.

The influence of plants, other than micro-organisms, upon each other, through the products of their metabolism.

Allowable Cut
The volume of wood that may be harvested, under management, for a given period.

Annual Ring
A line appearing on tree cross-sections marking the end of a growing season and showing the volume of wood added during the year.

Area Ignition
The setting of a number of individual fires throughout an area, either simultaneously or in quick succession, and so spaced that they soon coalesce, influence, and support each other to produce a hot, fast spreading fire throughout the area.

Artificial Regeneration
Renewal of a tree crop by direct seeding or by planting seedlings or cuttings.

The compass direction towards which a slope faces.