HOMEPAGE Forestry... Quicklinks...

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Glossary Title
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Wedge System
A modification of the strip shelterwood system in which cuttings begin as narrow, interior, wedge-shaped strips with the apex into the prevailing wind, and are then successively enlarged and advanced; regeneration mainly natural; regeneration interval short and young crop fairly even-aged.

A release treatment in stands during the seedling stage that eliminates or suppresses undesirable vegetation regardless of crown position.

Wildlife Indicator Species
Six wildlife species (moose, woodland caribou, beaver, snowshoe hare, pileated woodpecker, ovenbird) selected to represent the mixture of Habitat types which support almost 250 kinds of forest birds and mammals. Established under the Saskatchewan Forest Habitat Project, each species has a habitat requirement that represents the general needs of a larger group of animals. These measures of biological diversity are important landmarks in the maintenance of healthy and life-sustaining forest ecosystems.

A naturally grown, in contrast to a nursery-raised, seedling, sometimes used in forest planting when nursery stock is scarce.

Slash, brushwood, etc. concentrated along a line so as to clear the intervening ground between two of them.

Wolf Tree (or Bull Pine)
Usually a tree which is older, larger, or more branchy than other trees in the stand. A tree with a short trunk and a spreading crown which interferes with young growth below.

Wood Pulp
Mechanically ground or chemically digested wood (composed primarily of wood fibers) which is used in the manufacture of paper, fiberboard, etc.

Working Group
An aggregate of forest stands, or forest stand and forest sites, which are grouped for the purposes of applying a common set of silvicultural treatments (also called operational group).