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Canadian Deuterium Uranium Reactor; a type of nuclear reactor developed in Canada.

a form of chemical weathering in which weak carbonic acid converts minerals into carbonate or bicarbonate compounds

Cenozoic era
the last 65 million years, during which mammals have been the dominant life form. Cenozoic means modern life

Chain reaction
a reaction which, once started, continues through its own action; the splitting of uranium atoms releases neutrons that, in turn, continue the process causing other uranium atoms to split

Chemical sedimentary rocks
a large and varied group of rocks that form by a great variety of chemical processes, including organic processes

Chemical weathering
all forms of weathering that involve chemical changes within the rock or mineral matter, usually facilitated on earth by the presence of both heat and water

a sediment or rock composed of minerals from the clay group, a large and diverse group of minerals composed primarily of hydrous aluminosilicates, derived from the chemical weathering of other aluminosilicates

a name for a group of chemical sedimentary rocks produced from decayed plant matter in a swampy or bog environment. Varieties of coal include peat, lignite, bituminous, and anthracite

Cobalt 60
a radioactive isotope that acts as a source of gamma radiation; used in cancer therapy, diagnosis of diseases, analysis of tissue and sterilization of equipment

Continental drift
an idea proposed by German scientist Alfred Wegener, that continents at some time in the geologic past were entirely united as a single supercontinent called Pangaea. This supercontinent broke up and "drifted" across and through the ocean basins to their present locations

liquid or gas used in the core of a nuclear reactor to remove the heat released during the fission process

Cosmic rays
radiation form sources outside the Earth's atmosphere, such as the sun

1. the part of the nuclear reactor where the fuel is converted into energy
2. the central part of the earth, probably composed of an alloy of nickel and iron

solidified in the form of crystals